Clélia Berthier

Clélia Berthier studied graphic design before turning to the visual arts at Rennes 2 University and at École des Beaux-Arts de Nantes (France), from which she graduated in 2019. She lives in Nantes and has a studio with collectif Bonus.

Her work revolves around food. Bread, rice and corn form a fertile playground. Her interests revolve around polymorphic materials that have the capacity to move, expand and escape us. Her sculptures are a testimony to what she calls « le moment de forme » (the moment of form); her works are created in their activation. They sometimes disappear, inevitably ending in digestion. It’s all about the body: cycle and moult, envelope and skin, plasticity and viscera.

The artist is in a cross-residency with collectif Bonus at Centre CLARK from August 14 to October 14, 2024.

Studio visit and artist talk: October 10, 6pm.